GWRC Office Locations (0)
Abstraction Sites (2)
Treatment Plants (3)
NIWA Freshwater Fish Sites (5)
Structures in Rivers (6)
| DAM |
| FORD |
| WEIR |
Banded Kokopu (8)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Blue Bully (9)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Brown Trout (10)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Common Bully (11)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Crayfish (12)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Dwarf Galaxias (13)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Giant Bully (14)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Giant Kokopu (15)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Inanga (16)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Koaro (17)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Lamprey (18)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Long-finned Eel (19)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
N Mi Bully (20)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Red Bully (21)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Short-finned Eel (22)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Short Jaw Kokopu (23)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Smelt (24)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Torrentfish (25)
| Not probable |
| Probable |
Webcam Locations (26)
Substations (28)
Structures (29)
| Double Circuit Pi Pole |
| Double Circuit Single Pole |
| Double Circuit Steel Tower |
| Single Circuit Pi Pole |
| Single Circuit Single Pole |
| Single Circuit Steel Tower |
| Termination |
| Triple Circuit Steel Tower |
Network (30)
Contours - 20m (31)
Generalised Catchments (32)
Detailed Catchments (51)
Iwi Boundaries (33)
Managed Open Space (34)
| Carterton District Council |
| Greater Wellington |
| Hutt City Council |
| Kapiti Coast District Council |
| Masterton District Council |
| Porirua City Council |
| Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust |
| Queen Elizabeth Trust |
| South Wairarapa District Council |
| The Department of Conservation |
| The Department of Conservation / PNBST |
| Upper Hutt City Council |
| Wellington City Council |
DoC RAMSARs (36)
DoC RAPs (37)
DoC Freshwater Ecosystems - Lakes (38)
| 1 - 10 |
| 11 - 25 |
| 26 - 50 |
| 51 - 75 |
| 76 - 100 |
| 101 - 125 |
| 126 - 150 |
| 151 - 175 |
| 176 - 200 |
| 201 - 213 |
DoC Freshwater Ecosystems - Wetlands (39)
| 1 - 10 |
| 11 - 25 |
| 26 - 50 |
| 51 - 125 |
| 126 - 150 |
| 151 - 175 |
| 176 - 200 |
| 201 - 225 |
| 226 - 250 |
| 251 - 319 |
DoC Ecological Areas (40)
Threatened Indigenous Environments (41)
Possum Habitat (42)
Land Cover (43)
| Alpine Grass/Herbfield |
| Broadleaved Indigenous Hardwoods |
| Built-up Area (settlement) |
| Coastal Sand and Gravel |
| Deciduous Hardwoods |
| Estuarine Open Water |
| Exotic Forest |
| Fernland |
| Flaxland |
| Forest - Harvested |
| Gorse and/or Broom |
| Gravel and Rock |
| Herbaceous Freshwater Vegetation |
| Herbaceous Saline Vegetation |
| High Producing Exotic Grassland |
| Indigenous Forest |
| Lake and Pond |
| Landslide |
| Low Producing Grassland |
| Manuka and/or Kanuka |
| Matagouri or Grey Scrub |
| Mixed Exotic Shrubland |
| Orchard Vineyard & Other Perennial Crops |
| River |
| Short-rotation Cropland |
| Sub Alpine Shrubland |
| Surface Mines and Dumps |
| Tall Tussock Grassland |
| Transport Infrastructure |
| Urban Parkland/Open Space |
Land Use Management (44)
| Cropland - Annual |
| Cropland - Orchards and vineyards (perennial) |
| Grassland - High producing |
| Grassland - Low producing |
| Grassland - With woody biomass |
| Natural Forest |
| Other |
| Planted Forest - Pre 1990 |
| Post 1989 Forest |
| Settlements or built-up area |
| Wetland - Open water |
| Wetland - Vegetated non forest |
Soils (45)
| Ahikouka |
| Akatarawa |
| Akitio |
| Ashcott |
| Ashhurst |
| Atua |
| BRock |
| Belmont |
| Bideford |
| Carnarnvon |
| Carterton |
| Dannevirke |
| Esk |
| Foxton |
| Foxton-Omanuka association |
| Gladstone |
| Gollans |
| Greytown |
| Halcombe |
| Hautere |
| Heretaunga |
| Himatangi |
| Himatangi-Foxton association |
| Hokio-Waitarere association |
| Judgeford |
| Kaikouta |
| Kairanga |
| Kaitoke |
| Kawhatau |
| Kiwitea |
| Kohinui |
| Kokotau |
| Konini |
| Kopua |
| Koputaroa |
| Korokoro |
| Kourarau |
| Kumenga |
| Kumeroa |
| Levin |
| Mahoenui |
| Makara |
| Makerua |
| Manawatu |
| Mangamahu |
| Mangaroa |
| Mangatea |
| Manihera |
| Marokopa |
| Martinborough |
| Mataikona |
| Matamau |
| Maungapakeha |
| Mauriceville |
| Mikimiki |
| Mokau |
| Moroa |
| Motuiti |
| Motuwaireka |
| Ngaio |
| Ngaumu |
| Omanuka |
| Onoke |
| Opaki |
| Opouawe |
| Otaki |
| Otukura |
| Pahaoa |
| Paraha |
| Paraparaumu |
| Paremata |
| Parewanui |
| Patea |
| Pauatahanui |
| Pirinoa |
| Ponatahi |
| Pongaroa |
| Porirua |
| Pukeo |
| Pukeokahu |
| Pukepuke |
| Pukepuke-Omanuka association |
| Pukerua |
| Purimu |
| Putangirua |
| Putataka |
| Rahui |
| Rakaunui |
| Rangitikei |
| Rangitumau |
| Renata |
| Rimutaka |
| Ruahine |
| Ruamahanga |
| Ruatoria |
| Shannon |
| Taihape |
| Taita |
| Takapau |
| Tangoio |
| Tararua complex |
| Taratahi |
| Taueru |
| Tauherenikau |
| Tawaha |
| Tawai |
| Te Wharau |
| Terawhiti |
| Tinui |
| Titahi |
| Tora |
| Tuhitarata |
| Tukituki |
| Turakina |
| Turakirae |
| Unnamed |
| Waikanae |
| Waimarama |
| Waipatiki |
| Waitarere |
| Waitarere-Hokio association |
| Waitohu |
| Waiwhetu |
| Wanstead |
| Whakaroro |
| Whangaehu |
| Whangai |
| Whareama |
| Wharekaka |
| Wharema |
| Whetakura |
| Wilder |
| lake |
| river |
| town |
Geology Qmap 250k East (47)
| basalt |
| breccia |
| clay |
| conglomerate |
| gravel |
| greywacke |
| limestone |
| melange |
| metavolcanic |
| mudstone |
| sand |
| sandstone |
Geology Qmap 250k West (48)
| andesite |
| basalt |
| breccia |
| chert |
| conglomerate |
| fill |
| gabbro |
| gravel |
| limestone |
| melange |
| metasediment |
| mud |
| mudstone |
| peat |
| peridotite |
| quartzite |
| sand |
| sandstone |
| serpentinite |
Slopes (49)
| Low (0°-10°) |
| Medium (11°-20°) |
| High (21°-30°) |
| Very High (31°-40°) |
| Extreme (41°-50°) |
Threat Status (56)
Type and Name (57)
| CDF4, Hall’s tōtara, pāhautea, kāmahi forest |
| CDF6, Olearia, Pseudopanax, Dracophyllum scrub [Subalpine scrub] |
| CDF7, Mountain beech, silver beech, montane podocarp forest |
| CLF10, Red beech, silver beech forest |
| CLF11-2, Silver beech |
| CLF11-3, Silver beech, kamahi forest |
| CLF4, Kahikatea, tōtara, mataī forest |
| CLF9, Red beech, podocarp forest |
| MF1, Tōtara, tītoki forest |
| MF2, Rimu, mataī, hīnau forest |
| MF2, Rimu, mataī, hīnau forest and MF5, Black beech forest mosaic |
| MF20, Hard beech forest |
| MF5, Black beech forest |
| MF6, Kohekohe, tawa forest |
| MF7, Tawa, kāmahi, podocarp forest |
| MF8, Kāmahi, broadleaved, podocarp forest |
| WF1, Titoki, ngaio forest |
| WF2, Tōtara, mataī, ribbonwood forest |
| WF3, Tawa, tīitoki, podocarp forest |
| WF6, Tōtara, mataī, broadleaved forest [Dune Forest] |
| WF8, Kahikatea, pukatea forest |
Historic Extent (58)
| CDF4, Hall’s tōtara, pāhautea, kāmahi forest |
| CDF6, Olearia, Pseudopanax, Dracophyllum scrub [Subalpine scrub] |
| CDF7, Mountain beech, silver beech, montane podocarp forest |
| CLF10, Red beech, silver beech forest |
| CLF11-2, Silver beech |
| CLF11-3, Silver beech, kamahi forest |
| CLF4, Kahikatea, tōtara, mataī forest |
| CLF9, Red beech, podocarp forest |
| MF1, Tōtara, tītoki forest |
| MF2, Rimu, mataī, hīnau forest |
| MF2, Rimu, mataī, hīnau forest and MF5, Black beech forest mosaic |
| MF20, Hard beech forest |
| MF5, Black beech forest |
| MF6, Kohekohe, tawa forest |
| MF7, Tawa, kāmahi, podocarp forest |
| MF8, Kāmahi, broadleaved, podocarp forest |
| WF1, Titoki, ngaio forest |
| WF2, Tōtara, mataī, ribbonwood forest |
| WF3, Tawa, tīitoki, podocarp forest |
| WF6, Tōtara, mataī, broadleaved forest [Dune Forest] |
| WF8, Kahikatea, pukatea forest |