Ambulance Stations (1)
Community Emergency Hub (2)
Fire Stations (3)
Hospitals (4)
Medical Centres / Surgeries (5)
Police Stations (6)
Combined Hazard (8)
| 1 low |
| 2 low-mod |
| 3 moderate |
| 4 mod-high |
| 5 high |
Groundshaking (9)
| 1 low |
| 2 low-mod |
| 3 moderate |
| 4 mod-high |
| 5 high |
Liquefaction (10)
| Low |
| Moderate |
| High |
| Very High |
Slope failure (11)
| 1 low |
| 2 |
| 3 moderate |
| 4 |
| 5 high |
Landslide (21)
| Landslide |
| Scarp |
Coastal Elevation (22)
| 25 cm relative to MHWS10 |
| 50 cm |
| 100 cm |
| 125 cm |
| 150 cm |
| 200 cm |
| 250 cm |
| 300 cm relative to MHWS10 |
Tsunami (23)
| Evacuation Zone: RED |
| Evacuation Zone: ORANGE |
| Evacuation Zone: YELLOW |
Wildfire - Rural Risk (24)
| Low |
| Medium |
| High |
| Very High |
| Extreme |