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Legend (GW/Emergencies_P)

Ambulance Stations (1)
Community Emergency Hub (2)
Fire Stations (3)
Hospitals (4)
Medical Centres / Surgeries (5)
Police Stations (6)
Combined Hazard (8)
1 low 1 low
2 low-mod 2 low-mod
3 moderate 3 moderate
4 mod-high 4 mod-high
5 high 5 high
Groundshaking (9)
1 low 1 low
2 low-mod 2 low-mod
3 moderate 3 moderate
4 mod-high 4 mod-high
5 high 5 high
Liquefaction (10)
Low Low
Moderate Moderate
High High
Very High Very High
Slope failure (11)
1 low 1 low
2 2
3 moderate 3 moderate
4 4
5 high 5 high
Landslide (21)
Landslide Landslide
Scarp Scarp
Coastal Elevation (22)
25 cm relative to MHWS10 25 cm relative to MHWS10
50 cm 50 cm
100 cm 100 cm
125 cm 125 cm
150 cm 150 cm
200 cm 200 cm
250 cm 250 cm
300 cm relative to MHWS10 300 cm relative to MHWS10
Tsunami (23)
Evacuation Zone: RED Evacuation Zone: RED
Evacuation Zone: ORANGE Evacuation Zone: ORANGE
Evacuation Zone: YELLOW Evacuation Zone: YELLOW
Wildfire - Rural Risk (24)
Low Low
Medium Medium
High High
Very High Very High
Extreme Extreme