{ "currentVersion": 10.81, "id": 75, "name": "Groundwater for the Upper Ruamahanga over 30m (Tables 7.3, 7.5)", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "Chapter 7 (Ruamahanga Whaitua) contains a policy (PolicyR.P2) and rules (Rules R.R1-R.R3) for rivers and groundwater allocation that are mapped in Figure 7.4 of the Plan for the upper Ruamahanga catchment. This feature class and its companion layers show groundwater below a depth of 30 meters with allocation amounts given in Table 7.5 in Rule R.R1. Policy R.P2 sets out the criteria for identifying allocation amounts. The rationale for allocation amounts with the relevant numerical limits are discussed in the following reports: Thompson, M. (2015), Water allocation recommendations for the Wellington region: Technical report to support the draft Natural Regional Plan. Wellington Regional Council. Publication No. GW/ESCI-T-15/84, Wellington.", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 2193, "latestWkid": 2193 }, "copyrightText": "Mike Thompson, Senior Environmental Scientist, Greater Wellington Regional Council; Doug Mzila, Senior Environmental Scientist, Greater Wellington Regional Council; Murray McLea, Senior Policy Advisor, Greater Wellington Regional Council; Stephen Thawley, Project Leader, Greater Wellington Regional Council; Mark Gyopari, Earth in Mind Ltd; Brydon Hughes Liquid Earth Ltd; Gareth Palmer, GIS Analyst, Greater Wellington Regional Council (GIS mapping); Iain Dawe, Senior Policy Advisor, Greater Wellington Regional Council (GIS mapping).", "parentLayer": { "id": 64, "name": "Groundwater Zones" }, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "uniqueValue", "field1": "Name", "field2": null, "field3": null, "defaultSymbol": null, "defaultLabel": null, "uniqueValueInfos": [ { "symbol": { 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